Friday, July 13, 2012

more Vidrine stuff

Jean Baptiste Vidrine and Elizabeth Monchervaux's children:

Marie Jeanne Vidrine  married Richaume Soileau
Agnes Vidrine  married Jospeh Batholemew Rosas, then Jean Ponsoiny
Jean Baptiste (Pierre) Vidrine married Marie Josephe Brignac
Perrine Vidrine married Charles Fontenot
Eugenie Vidrine....
Etienne Vidrine married Victoire Soileau  (that's where I come in ...)

Please, if you have information to correct or add to any of this, please send it to me. I am in NO way claiming to be an expert or 100% certain of anything..... I am just starting to explore and am open to learning as much as I can.......

1 comment:

  1. You're missing their 6th child:
    Eugenie Vidrine, b. 1776; d. Bet. 1777 - 1870 (Baptism: September 22, 1776)
